ICT Support in Mathematics and Physics Integrated Teaching Based on Modeling Process


  • Ngoc Chat Tran Hanoi National University of Education
  • Van Bien Nguyen Hanoi National University of Education
  • Eduard Krause Siegen University


ICT in teaching, modelling, modelling in physics, modelling in mathematics, modelling in ICT


This article presents a part of the scientific missions of the Inter-Tetra project: Teaching based on modeling process has been published from many didactic researchers for mathematics, physics and math-physics integrated teaching. However, in many cases, the process of building model and the operating of the model is abstract to the students and even teachers. For a deeper understanding of modeling, the first part of the study will present an overview of modeling in mathematical and physical learning. The next part of this study will proposes the application at the steps of building model and operating model in teaching based on modeling process. In addition, this study also presents some examples of using these ICT tools in teaching some math-physics integrated topics and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of using them.


Ngoc Chat Tran, Hanoi National University of Education

* Did PhD in Siegen Germany, from 2010 to 2015
* Lecturer at department of physics didactic - Faculty of Physics - Hanoi National University of Education since 2004




Tran, N. C., Nguyen, V. B., & Krause, E. (2019). ICT Support in Mathematics and Physics Integrated Teaching Based on Modeling Process. PhyDid B - Didaktik Der Physik - Beiträge Zur DPG-Frühjahrstagung, 1. Abgerufen von https://ojs.dpg-physik.de/index.php/phydid-b/article/view/977



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