Three methods for the observation of the Big Bang with our school telescope
Usually telescope based research on the Big Bang is performed by the application of huge telescope
like the Hubble-Space-Telescope. But in our work we propose three methods for Big Bang observation,
which are applied with an 11inch telescope in our school observatory. The first method is based on the
redshift. We are using the redshift to calculate the velocity of the galaxies in the framework of the
Doppler effect. From the Hubble-diagram, we then can get the age of the universe by doing a
regression. The second method we used is based on a comparison of our telescope with the Hubble-
Space-Telescope. For the third method we use supernovae. Here we are comparing the brightness of a
galaxy with and without a supernovae. The results show that the observation fo the Big Bang is also
possible with a a much smaller telescope than e.g. the Hubble-Space-Telescope.
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