Teaching basic metrology concepts. A multiple intelligences didactical approach.


  • Héctor Jaimes-Paredes UNAM-ENP


Multiple Intelligences, learning stations, physical quantity, metrology, game-based learning, learning styles, scientific skills, senior high school, observation


The adequate teaching of some metrology basic concepts at the senior high school level, may offer interesting results when used for the development of the student´s scientific skills. But inside the classroom, the students have different learning styles (for example: visual, aural, kinesthetic etc.). How to teach issues like the SI base quantities/units within these learning diversity in the same classroom? As a part of an educational research project and based on the contributions of Howard Gardner and others in the area of Multiple Intelligences (MI), a didactical strategy for teaching SI units using the so called ”learning-stations” will be proposed.




Jaimes-Paredes, H. (2018). Teaching basic metrology concepts. A multiple intelligences didactical approach. PhyDid B - Didaktik Der Physik - Beiträge Zur DPG-Frühjahrstagung, 1. Abgerufen von https://ojs.dpg-physik.de/index.php/phydid-b/article/view/877



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