Students Learn to Solve the Cosmological Constant Problem


  • Hans-Otto Carmesin Gymnasium Athenaeum


hypothetic deductive method, cosmological constant problem, Casimir force, quantum physics, astrophysics, unification, volume dynamics


In everyday life, digital cameras and photovoltaic systems are ubiquitous. Thereby, quanta of the electromagnetic field are absorbed in order to gain visual information or electric energy. Our understanding of such quanta is rooted on the quantum field theory of electrodynamics, quantum electrodynamics, QED, in present-day physics. However, that QED predicts an energy density of the vacuum of . In general, the energy density of space  is related to the cosmological constant  proposed by Einstein (1917). In contrast to , the energy density of space, the dark energy, has been observed at the intergalactic space: . That huge discrepancy presents a severe problem of QED, it is called the cosmological constant problem. How is that problem resolved?

This question is answered with help of the dynamics of volume in nature, the volume dynamics, VD, see Carmesin (2023a). The VD bridge general relativity and quantum physics. For these results, we provide a learning process, so that you can directly use the concept in your courses. The learning process has been tested in various learning groups, and experiences are reported.


Hans-Otto Carmesin, Gymnasium Athenaeum

Gymnasium Athenaeum: Lehrer

Studienseminar Stade: Fachleiter

Universität Bremen: Privatdozent





Carmesin, H.-O. (2024). Students Learn to Solve the Cosmological Constant Problem. PhyDid B - Didaktik Der Physik - Beiträge Zur DPG-Frühjahrstagung, 1(1). Abgerufen von


