Students Analyse the Impact of the H0 Tension of the Worldview


  • Hans-Otto Carmesin Gymnasium Athenaeum


hypothetic deductive method, Hubble tension, dark energy, astophysics, quantum physics, unification, quantum gravity, dynamics of volume in nature


In everyday life, we are used to the space and the time in which we live. Thereby, it is very effective and clear to organize our life and our knowledge chronologically. Hereby, the Big Bang is the starting point of our chronological knowledge. Thereby, the rate of expansion of space as well as the age  of the universe are derived from an observed value . It is the observed value of a fundamental key quantity: the Hubble constant . However, there are different observed values . For instance, the cosmic microwave background CMB provides  billion years, whereas radiation with the cosmological redshift  provides  billion years. Obviously, the difference is essential for our chronological organization of our knowledge about the world.

Carmesin (2023a) derived the dynamics of volume in nature, the volume dynamics, VD. They bridge general relativity and quantum physics. In this paper, we use the VD to derive the theoretical values of  as a function of the cosmological redshift . For that derivation, we provide a learning process, so that you can directly use the concept in your courses. The learning process has been tested in various learning groups, and experiences are reported.


Hans-Otto Carmesin, Gymnasium Athenaeum

Gymnasium Athenaeum: Lehrer

Studienseminar Stade: Fachleiter

Universität Bremen: Privatdozent





Carmesin, H.-O. (2024). Students Analyse the Impact of the H0 Tension of the Worldview. PhyDid B - Didaktik Der Physik - Beiträge Zur DPG-Frühjahrstagung, 1(1). Abgerufen von



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