Students Learn to Derive the Energy Density of Volume


  • Hans-Otto Carmesin Gymnasium Athenaeum


hyphypothetic deductive method, dark energy, cosmological constant, didactics, didactic analysis, elementartization, unification, quantum physics, general relativity, quantum gravity, gravity, dynamics of volume in nature


In everyday life, we are used to the space in which we live. However, physicists need to know or assume properties about that space: Newton (1668) preferred a flat and constant space. Maxwell (1865) proposed that space should be an electromagnetic aether. Einstein (1917) suggested that space would be characterized by a cosmological constant , corresponding to an energy density  of space or of volume. Moreover, he provided an equation that determines how  is related to the expansion of space since the Big Bang. Based on that relation, Perlmutter et al. (1998) discovered a nonzero observed value  of . The derivation of  represents an essential and exciting problem about nature and physics. Carmesin (2023a) derived the dynamics of volume in nature, the volume dynamics, VD. They bridge general relativity and quantum physics. In this paper, we use the VD to derive . For that derivation, we provide a learning process, so that you can directly use the concept in your courses. The learning process has been tested in various learning groups, and experiences are reported.


Hans-Otto Carmesin, Gymnasium Athenaeum

Gymnasium Athenaeum: Lehrer

Studienseminar Stade: Fachleiter

Universität Bremen: Privatdozent





Carmesin, H.-O. (2024). Students Learn to Derive the Energy Density of Volume. PhyDid B - Didaktik Der Physik - Beiträge Zur DPG-Frühjahrstagung, 1(1). Abgerufen von


