Students Learn to Derive Universal Properties of Gravitons
elementarization, model building, hyphypothetic deductive method, unification, graviton, volume dynamicsAbstract
The gravitational force is a fact of everyday life. But how does it propagate from a field generating mass to a probe mass ? For instance, on its way from Earth to Moon, Apollo 11 had to overcome the gravitational force that Earth exerts upon Apollo 11. How does this force come from Earth to Apollo 11? Newton (1668) realized that that gravitational force is fundamental, without explaining its mechanism. Einstein (1915) proposed that a field generating mass M curves space in its vicinity, so that a probe mass m moves according to that curved space. But how does the curvature propagate? For it Blokhintsev and Galperin (1934) proposed a graviton. Carmesin (2023a) derived the dynamics of volume in nature, the volume dynamics, VD. It bridges general relativity and quantum physics. This additionally serves the ambitious aim to bridge differences, see Niedersächsisches Kultusministerium (2021). In this paper, we use the VD to derive insightful and useful universal properties of the proposed graviton. For that derivation, we provide a learning process, so that you can directly use the concept in your courses. The learning process has been tested in various learning groups, and experiences are reported.
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