Students Learn the Fundamental Exact Unification of Gravity, Relativity, Quanta and Elementary Charge
elementarization, fundamental physics, hyphypothetic deductive methodAbstract
Near Earth Orbit asteroids require a precise orbit determination. For it, in principle, essential theories are quantum physics, QP, and general relativity, GR. However, these are not fully compatible. How can this be overcome? For it, the volume dynamics, VD, of intergalactic space and of volume in nature in general are derived. The VD provide QP and GR as well as gravity. Moreover, the VD are tested at fundamental problems: The VD provide the dark energy. The VD solve the Hubble tension and predict -values ranging from redshift to . The VD solve the cosmological constant problem. Thus, the VD bridge cosmology, QP and GR and provide a deep insight. In a didactic analysis, all results are derived according to the hypothetic deductive method, and all didactic steps are elaborated. So you can directly use the concept for your courses. The learning process has been tested in various learning groups, and experiences are reported.
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